KIT207 ~ Tutorial 3

The first stage of this tutorial was implementing a NavMesh on the created Terrain and to utilise an 'agent' to navigate around moving objects. At this stage using the previously created player was not cooperating so a capsule was placed for learning this area. The aim was to make it move through both stationary and moving objects to reach the other side of the map where the mouse was clicked. The terrain navigation uses a long drop with short jump outline due to the height. Prior to this the AI would have been able to jump across the canyons and restricting this led to avoiding undesirable outcomes. This is also the point where I initiated a deep study into C# movement and components as this was an area I was lacking in and undertaking this task prompted the need to learn f a s t. This led me to learning to move an object along specific 'axis' (directions) through identifying start and end positions with intended speed. This was not a smooth process and a harsh one to learn, although in the end it did build valuable skills to build on further. 

Key Lesson Learned: You don't know what you don't know but you do know how to take steps towards what you want to know, you know? :)

(Figure 1: NavMesh overview)

(Figure 2: NavMesh agent moving towards mouse click (this was too large to create a GIF due to the distance travelled))

After the AI capsule was implemented, it was time to revisit introducing my character to the scene as the AI component. This took significantly longer and there was little sleep and a lot of caffeine for this stage as the mouse clicking component summoned error after error. After no sleep for 48 hours, I realised the code should have been attached to the camera and everything functioned fine after this. All enemies are directed towards the player and continuously follow at a (threatening) pace with speed slightly less than the player value to allow for outrunning to occur. Although a future area of improvement is correcting the direction the enemies are moving in as they currently move backwards. After 6 hours of troubleshooting, it may be an issue with the Blender model, and this will be corrected in future. 

Key Lesson Learned: Sometimes you have to accept the outcome and move on and realise that your work is better today than it was yesterday (don't get stuck on the smaller details when you've accomplished so much) :)

(Figure 3: Enemy spawned on mouse click and following the player)

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